Sermon Notes – 7.21.24

Purpose is defined as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”

Why do we exist?  What were we created for?  To love God and to serve Him. Definitely “YES!” Jesus established the church (or body) to be the vessel through which his followers would shine in the world in an effort to draw others into a right relationship with God. This is the purpose of the church (those who make up a local body of followers).  It is important for all Christians to know their God given purpose.  The same is true of the church.

The nation of Israel was God’s chosen vessel in the Old Testament to not  just enjoy God blessings, but to live in such a way that other nations would come to serve God as well.  In Isaiah 26:18 we learn they blew their God given purpose.  How are you and I doing with ours?