Our adult ministries provide a space for men, women, and couples to connect to God.
Below is a list of ways you can join our community.

Prayer Meeting
Wednesday night at 7PM we gather and pray together. During this time we worship, pray and hear a short message from our Bible through a year reading program.

Men’s Coffee
On Wednesdays stop by and grab a cup of coffee. They meet at 8-10 AM every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at the Church in the Fellowship Hall. They have a devotional and discussion.

Sisters in Service
Sisters in Service (S.I.S) is a women’s service group. They meet at 10am – noon every 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays. Our meeting location changes based on our activity and service we are working on. Outreach: WWC Card Ministry, shut-in visitation, 2nd Hand Sale, Events (Spring Tea, Christmas Party), and supporting local non-profits. All ladies are welcome!
Small Groups
Come join our small groups for discussion of the Bible. Contact the Church office for current small group topics, days and times.